
Oct 10, 2007

Colour idioms

Colour Idioms

black and white thinking of everything or judging everything in a simple way and seeing it as either good or bad
♪ The situation isn't as black and white as it seems; it's much more complicated.

black out to darken by putting out the electric lights or covering over the windows
♪ Londoners had to black out their windows during the war so that the enemy aircraft could not see the city.

Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?

You already know how important it is to speak good English in an international working environment. If you work for a company which does business abroad, you probably read and write a lot of English, too. Writing, just like speaking, is communication. In our letters and emails we need to express many things: authority, gratitude, dissatisfaction, etc. Expressing ourselves well and with the correct level of formality is a skill.

Do you have that skill? Ask yourself these questions:
Do you present yourself in a professional manner when you write? What image do you give to the people who read your letters and emails?

In short, you want to give a professional image when you write to your customers and business partners. To get you started, we've prepared some lists of standard phrases. Take a look at:
1/ Opening Lines
2/ Closing Lines
3/ Dear Sir and Yours Faithfully

Discover the secret of your name

Discover the secret of your name:
Everybody has got a name. I would like to tell you what secret your name is. Let's start with my name: LUCAS
L = Love is something I deeply believe in.
U = I feel like I have to equal up to people's standards.
C = I definitely have a partier side in mine, an advice for me is that don't be shy to show it.
A = I can be very quiet when I have something on my mind.
S = I am very broad-minded.

Now, try yourself with your name or your friend name. Use the index below:

A = You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
B = You are always cautious when it comes to meeting newpeople.
C = You definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it.
D = You have trouble trusting people.
E = You are a very exciting person.
F = Everyone loves you.
G = You have excellent ways of viewing people.
H = You are not judgmental.
I = You are always smiling and making others smile.
J = Jealously
K = You like to try new things.
L = Love is something you deeply believe in.
M = Success comes easily to you.
N = You like to work, but you always want a break.
O = You are very open-minded.
P = You are very friendly and understanding.
Q = You are a hypocrite.
R = You are a social butterfly.
S = You are very broad-minded.
T = You have an attitude, a big one.
U = You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards.
V = You have a very good physique and looks.
W = You like your privacy.
X = You never let people tell you what to do.
Y = You cause a lot of trouble.
Z = You're always fighting with someone.

Hope you have a nice day!

Compound Nouns

A compound noun is a noun that is made up of two or more words. Most compound nouns in English are formed by nouns modified by other nouns or adjectives.

For example:

The words tooth and paste are each nouns in their own right, but if you join them together they form a new word - toothpaste.

The word black is an adjective and board is a noun, but if you join them together they form a new word - blackboard.

In both these example the first word modifies or describes the second word, telling us what kind of object or person it is, or what its purpose is. And the second part identifies the object or person in question.

Compound nouns can also be formed using the following combinations of words:

Noun + Noun toothpaste, bedroom, water tank, motorcycle, printercartridge, policeman, boyfriend, post office, fruit juice

Noun + Verb haircut, rainfall, train-spotting, car park

Noun + Preposition hanger-on, passer-by, full moon

Adjective + Noun bluebird, greenhouse, software, redhead

Verb + Noun swimming pool, washing machine, driving license, dining room

Verb + Preposition look-out, take-off, drawback, breakdown, cutback, drive-in, drop out, feedback, hangover, flyover, hold-up, make-up, set-back, stand-in, take-away, work-over, check-in

Adjective + Verb dry-cleaning, public speaking

Preposition + Verb input, output, overthrow, upturn, outbreak, outcome, outlay, outlet, inlet

Preposition + Noun underground, onlooker, by-stander

Words of Life

- With money you can buy a house but not a home...
- With money you can buy a clock but not time.
- With money you can buy a bed but not sleep.
- With money you can buy a book but not knowledge.
- With money you can buy a doctor but not a good health.
- With money you can buy a position but not respect.
- With money you can buy blood but not life.
- With money you can buy sex but not love.
- But without money you can not pay for living.

Trust in God but lock your car.
Never laugh at anyone's dream.
Talk slowly but think quickly.

When someone asks you a question that you don’t want to answer, smile and ask :” why do you want to know that?”
Remember that great love and great achivements involve great risk.
Remember the 3 "RE"s : REspect for yourself , REspect for others and REsponsiblity for your actions.

Nothing older than succeeds of yesterday.
Hope the best thing but prepare to get any worst thing.

Give somebody more than they hope and do it cheerfully.
Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
When you say "I'm sorry" look at person in the eye.
The sweetest joy and the wildest woe is the love.
There's only one kind of love but there are thousand imitations.

Life ends when you stop dreaming
Hope ends when you stops believing
Love ends when you stops caring
Friendship ends when you stops sharing.

Don't let yesterday's failures bankrupt today's efforts.


A friend...được định nghĩa qua 24 chữ cái
(A)ccepts you as you are - Chấp nhận con người thật của bạn.
(B)elieves in "you" - Luôn tin tưởng bạn.
(C)alls you just to say "HI" - Điện thoại cho bạn chỉ để nói "Xin chào".
(D)oesn't give up on you - Không bỏ rơi bạn.
(E)nvisions the whole of you - Hình ảnh của bạn luôn ở trong tâm trí họ.
(F)orgives your mistakes - Tha thứ cho bạn mọi lỗi lầm.
(G)ives unconditionally - Tận tụy với bạn.
(H)elps you - Giúp đỡ bạn.
(I)nvites you over - Luôn lôi cuốn bạn.
(J)ust "be" with you - Tỏ ra "xứng đáng" với bạn.
(K)eeps you close at heart - Trân trọng bạn.
(L)oves you for who you are - Yêu quí bạn bởi con người thật của bạn.
(M)akes a difference in your life - Tạo ra khác biệt trong đời bạn.
(N)ever judges - Không bao giờ phán xét.
(O)ffers support - Là nơi nương tựa cho bạn.
(P)icks you up - Vực bạn dậy khi bạn suy sụp.
(Q)uiets your tears - Làm dịu đi những giọt lệ của bạn.
(R)aises your spirits - Giúp bạn phấn chấn hơn.
(S)ays nice things about you - Nói những điều tốt đẹp về bạn.
(T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it - Sẵn sàng nói sự thật khi bạn cần.
(U)nderstands you - Hiểu được bạn.
(W)alks beside you - Sánh bước cùng bạn.
e(X)amines your head injuries - "Bắt mạch" được những chuyện khiến bạn "đau đầu".
(Y)ells when you won’t listen - Hét to vào tai bạn mỗi khi bạn không lắng nghe.
(Z)aps you back to reality - Và thức tỉnh bạn khi bạn lạc bước.


Watch your thoughts; they become words
Watch your words; they become actions
Watch your actions; they become habits
Watch your habits; they become character
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny

The Five-Paragraph Essay

The five paragraph essay measures a student's basic writing skills,and is often a timed exercise.Use this Guide to help you practice and succeed at this form of writing.

I. Getting started means getting organized:
A. Analyze the assignment, determine what is required: With a highlighter, note important words that define the topic. Then organize your plan.

For example, you have been given this writing prompt:
You have a present that was really memorable. It could have been given for an important occasion or just for no reason at all. Tell us about the present and why it was memorable. Include the reason it was given, a description of it, and how you felt when you got it.

The objective is to write a narrative essay about a present you were given
The subject is a memorable present.
The three main subtopics are:
1)---the reason it was given
2)---a description of it
3)---and how you felt when you got it
B. Outline your five paragraph essay; include these elements:

1/ Introductory Paragraph
--- a) General Topic Sentence: memorable present
--- b) Subtopic One: the reason it was given
--- c) Subtopic Two: a description of it
--- d) Subtopic Three: how you felt when you got it
--- e) (Transition)

2/ First Supporting Paragraph
--- a) Restate Subtopic One
--- b) Supporting Details or Examples
--- c) Transition

3/ Second Supporting Paragraph
--- a) Restate Subtopic Two
--- b) Supporting Details or Examples
--- c) Transition

4/ Third Supporting Paragraph
--- a) Restate Subtopic Three
--- b) Supporting Details or Examples
--- c) Transition

5/ Closing or Summary Paragraph
---Synthesis and conclusion of the thesis rephrasing main topic and subtopics.

II. Write the essay!

Think small; build the full essay gradually. Divide your essay into sections and develop each piece separately and incrementally.

1/ The Introductory Paragraph

- The opening paragraph sets the tone
It not only introduces the topic, but where you are going with it (the thesis). If you do a good job in the opening, you will draw your reader into your "experience." Put effort up front, and you will reap rewards.
- Write in the active voice
It is much more powerful. Do that for each sentence in the introductory essay. Unless you are writing a personal narrative, do not use the pronoun "I."
- Varying sentence structure
Review to avoid the same dull pattern of always starting with the subject of the sentence.
- Brainstorm to find the best supporting ideas
The best supporting ideas are the ones about which you have some knowledge. If you do not know about them, you cannot do a good job writing about them. Don't weaken the essay with ineffective argument.
- Practice writing introductory paragraphs on various topics
Even if you do not use them, they can be compared with the type of writing you are doing now. It is rewarding to see a pattern of progress.

2/ Supporting Paragraphs

- Write a transition to establish the sub-topic
Each paragraph has to flow, one to the next.
- Write the topic sentence
The transition can be included in the topic sentence.
- Supporting ideas, examples, details must be specific to the sub-topic
The tendency in supporting paragraphs is to put in just about anything.Avoid this: the work you have made above with details and examples will help you keep focused.
- Vary sentence structureAvoid repetitious pronouns and lists
Avoid beginning sentences the same way (subject + verb + direct object).

3/ The Ending or Summary Paragraph
This is a difficult paragraph to write effectively.You cannot assume that the reader sees your point.
- Restate the introductory thesis/paragraph with originality
Do not simply copy the first paragraph
- Summarize your argument with some degree of authority this paragraph should leave your reader with no doubt as to your position or conclusion of logic
- Be powerful as this is the last thought that you are leaving with the reader.
III. Edit and revise your essay

Check your spelling and grammar
Subjects and verbs agree, and verb tenses are consistent.

Examine your whole essay for logic
Thought builds and flows? Avoid gaps in logic, or too much detail.

Review individual sentences
+ Use active verbs to be more descriptive
Avoid passive constructions and the verb "to be"
+ Use transitional words and phrases
Avoid sentences beginning with pronouns, constructions as "There are....,"
Example: "There is a need to proofread all works" becomes "Proofreading is a must."
+ Be concise
though vary the length and structure of sentences.
Ask a knowledgeable friend to review and comment on your essay and to repeat back what you are trying to say. You may be surprised.

Mistakes in Using words

Từ hay bị dùng lầm:‘Grand slam’, ‘former’, ‘pair’
- ‘Grand slam– theo Từ điển Macquarie:‘đoạt chức vô địch các môn thể thao như tennis, golf, vv, trong một số giải lớn.’
-Peter Longman, biên tập viên chuyên mục Thể Thao, Radio ABC, giải thích thêm:‘Một grand slam trong tennis là chiến thắng trong các giải trọng đại trong cùng một năm, ví dụ: đoạt chức vô địch giải Úc, Pháp, Mỹ và Wimbledon (Anh) trong cùng một năm. Vậy giải Úc Mở Rộng (Australian Open) là một phần của ‘grand slam’. Thuật ngữ grand slam bắt nguồn từ môn tennis.’
Vậy ta nên dùng ‘grand slam’ để mô tả những kỳ công thể thao xứng đáng mà thôi.

- former: cựu, cũ
Một ‘former Prime Minister’ là một người không còn làm thủ tứơng. Bạn không đặt ‘former’ trước một danh hiệu hay chức vụ của một người nếu người đó còn đương chức hay vẫn giữ danh hiệu đó. Một ‘former’ vận động viên huy chương vàng là người đã bị tước bỏ tấm huy chương đó.
- pair: đôi, cặp
Nói đến hai người, ‘pair’ được coi là danh từ số nhiều.
Vậy: ‘the pair WERE arrested in Cronulla’ (không dùng WAS)
‘the pair ARE among six players’ (không dùng IS)
Những đại từ chỉ số nhiều cũng theo nguyên tắc tương tự.
Vậy: ‘the Bali nine HAVE BEEN…’ (không dùng: ‘Bali nine HAS BEEN…’)

- prolific: sai [quả], mắn [đẻ], [viết] nhiều.
A man who had died in a plane crash was described as ‘Australia’s most prolific landowner’.
Câu này có thể ‘bị’ hiểu: sinh thời ông ta là một [địa chủ] đông con nhiều cháu?

- effective from: có hiệu lực từ
Nói ‘effective from’, chứ không dùng ‘affective from’. Hay ta tránh cách nói kêu và rỗng của giới quan liêu, và dùng ‘(the law) takes effect (on Monday)’.

- 10m female foetuses aborted in India
Trong hàng tít này, người đọc có thể băn khoăn: tại làm sao một bào thai có thể phát triển dài 10 mét? Viết tắt tiếng Anh của ‘million’ là ‘mill’.

- with regard to: liên quan tới, đề cập đến, nói về
Hãy nói ‘with regard to’ khi đề cập đến một chủ đề. Khác với ‘with regards to’ chuyển lời hỏi thăm.

Câu tối nghĩa vì ngữ pháp không chuẩn:
-‘No longer a stigmatic mark of failure, more than 20,000 Australians declare themselves bankrupt every year.’
-'Shane Warne says he has no plans to ease off his bowling workload as he faces another exhaustive year of cricket.’
-‘Climate change has been highest in the past 9 out of 10 years in the last decade.’
-‘Lauren Huxley’s family was at her bedside yesterday, while thieves broke into a storage unit at the block of flats in northern Sydney where they’ve been living since the assault on Lauren and fire at her Northmead home in November.’ ---> Câu này khiến ta hiểu dừơng như bọn trộm đang sống ngay trong căn hộ Huxley dùng làm nhà kho?
-‘Mr Sharon is in a deep coma and is attached to a ventilator.’ Dường như ông Sharon đã trở nên yêu thích cái ống thở bên giừơng bệnh?
-‘The Australian Wheat Board concocted its plan to pay millions of dollars in kickbacks to Saddam Hussein’s corrupt regime while it was still controlled by the Howard Government.’ Đố bạn biết chính phủ Howard điều khiển (controlled) gì trong đoạn văn trên? (Bài trên trang nhất của báo The Australian 26/1/06).
-‘He says scientists have designed tunnels to go under the roads in migration areas costing less than twenty thousand dollars.’ Thời giá địa ốc ở những khu của ngừơi nhập cư rẻ đến thế thôi sao?

Lặp ngôn vô nghĩa (Meaningless tautology)
-‘hopeful optimism’
-‘The aftermath of the Egyptian bus crash continues.’
-‘is ready to step in should the inevitable occur’


Using transitional words and phrases

Using transitional words and phrases helps papers read more smoothly. They provide logical organization and understandability and improve the connections and transitions between thoughts.

(Việc sử dụng các từ/ngữ chuyển tiếp giúp cho các bài viết nghe trôi chảy hơn. Chúng tạo nên sự trật tự, khả năng hiểu nghĩa và tận dụng tốt các kết nối và sự chuyển tiếp các ý tưởng)
A coherent paper allows the reader to flow from the first supporting point to the last.

(Một bài viết mạch lạc cho phép người khác đọc trôi chảy từ đầu đến cuối)
Transitions indicate relations, whether within a sentence, paragraph, or paper. This list illustrates "relationships" between ideas, followed by words and phrases that can connect them.

(Sự chuyển ý cho thấy những mối tương quan trong câu văn, đoạn văn, hoặc bài viết. Dưới đây là minh họa "sự tương quan" giữa các ý tưởng, theo sau là các từ và cụm từ mà nó có thể liên kết:)

Addition: also, again, as well as, besides, coupled with, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarly.

Consequence: accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, for this purpose, hence, otherwise, so then, subsequently, therefore, thus, thereupon, wherefore.

Generalizing: as a rule, as usual, for the most part, generally, generally speaking, ordinarily, usually.

Exemplifying: chiefly, especially, for instance, in particular, markedly, namely, particularly, including, specifically, such as.

Illustration: for example, for instance, for one thing, as an illustration, illustrated with, as an example, in this case.

Emphasis: above all, chiefly, with attention to, especially, particularly, singularly.

Similarity: comparatively, coupled with, correspondingly, identically, likewise, similar, moreover, together with.

Exception: aside from, barring, besides, except, excepting, excluding, exclusive of, other than, outside of, save.

Restatement: in essence, in other words, namely, that is, that is to say, in short, in brief, to put it differently.

Contrast and Comparison: contrast, by the same token, conversely, instead, likewise, on one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, rather, similarly, yet, but, however, still, nevertheless, in contrast.

Sequence: at first, first of all, to begin with, in the first place, at the same time,for now, for the time being, the next step, in time, in turn, later on,meanwhile, next, then, soon, the meantime, later, while, earlier,simultaneously, afterward, in conclusion, with this in mind.

Summarizing: after all, all in all, all things considered, briefly, by and large, in any case, in any event, in brief, in conclusion, on the whole, in short, in summary, in the final analysis, in the long run, on balance, to sum up, to summarize, finally.

Diversion: by the way, incidentally.

Direction: here, there, over there, beyond, nearly, opposite, under, above,to the left, to the right, in the distance.

Categories & examples, within sentences and connecting sentences.


Mondegreens are in a sense the opposite of malapropisms(từ dùng sai nghĩa một cách buồn cười); they result from something being misheard rather than missaid.
Here's a few misheard phrases and song lyrics (the first three are well-known examples):

"Excuse me while I kiss this guy."
"Excuse me while I kiss the sky." Purple Haze, Jimi Hendrix

"There's a bathroom on the right."
"There's a bad moon on the rise." Bad Moon Rising, Creedence Clearwater

"The girl with colitis goes by."
"The girl with kaleidoscope eyes." Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, The Beatles

"Crimean River."
"Cry Me a River." Cry Me a River, Julie London

"Bring me an iron lung."
"Bring me a higher love." Higher Love, Steve Winwood

"Mama don't take my clothes 'n' throw 'em away."
"Mama don't take my Kodachrome away." Kodachrome, Paul Simon

"You make the best homemade stew around."
"You make the best of what's still around." When The World Is Running Down, The Police

"Very close veins."
"Varicose veins."

"Paper View TV."
"Pay-per-view TV."

-----------More Mondegreens:

"Gladly, the cross-eyed bear."
"Gladly The Cross I'd Bear." Traditional Hymn

"There's a bathroom on the right." "
There's a bad moon on the rise
." Bad Moon Rising, Creedence Clearwater

"Excuse me while I kiss this guy."
"Excuse me while I kiss the sky." Purple Haze, Jimi Hendrix

"Dead ants are my friends; they're blowin' in the wind."
"The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind." Blowin' In The Wind, Bob Dylan

"Midnight after you're wasted."
"Midnight at the oasis
." Midnight at the Oasis, Maria Muldaur

"The girl with colitis goes by."
"The girl with kaleidoscope eyes." Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, The Beatles

"Sleep in heavenly peas."
"Sleep in heavenly peace." Silent Night, Christmas carol

"I blow bubbles when you are not here."
"My world crumbles when you are not here." I Try, Macy Gray

"I got no towel, I hung it up again."
"I get knocked down, but I get up again." Tubthumping, Chumbawumba

"She's got a chicken to ride."
"She's got a ticket to ride." Ticket to Ride, The Beatles

"You and me and Leslie."
"You and me endlessly..." Groovin', The Rascals

"Sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble; tres bien ensemble."
"Sunday monkey won't play piano song, play piano song." Michelle, The Beatles

"I'll be your xylophone waiting for you."
"I'll be beside the phone waiting for you." Build Me Up Buttercup, The Foundations

"Are you going to starve an old friend?"
"Are you going to Scarborough Fair?" Scarborough Fair, Simon and Garfunkel

"Baking carrot biscuits."
"Taking care of business." Takin' Care Of Business, Bachman-Turner Overdrive

"Donuts make my brown eyes blue."
"Don't it make my brown eyes blue." Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue, Crystal Gale

"Got a lot of lucky peanuts."
"Got a lot of love between us." Let's Hang On. Frankie Vallee and the Four Seasons

"What a nice surprise when you're out of ice."
"What a nice surprise bring your alibis." Hotel California, Eagles

"Hope the city voted for you."
"Hopelessly devoted to you." Hopelessly Devoted to You, Grease

"I'm a pool hall ace."
"My poor heart aches." Every Step You Take, The Police

"Just brush my teeth before you leave me, baby."
"Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby." Angel of the Morning, Juice Newton

More Mondegreens !!! and discover how Mondegreens got their name.

Viet - Eng Idioms

Xa mặt cách lòng: Long absent, soon forgotten; Out of sight, out of mind
Quá giận mất khôn: Anger and hate hinder good counsel; When a man grows angry, his reason rides off
Con nhà tông không giống lông cũng giống cánh: An apple never falls far from the tree
Con sâu làm rầu nồi canh: The rotten apple harms its neighbors
Tiên hạ thủ vi cường: Attack is the best form of defense
Nhà làm săng chết trần không áo: The shoemaker's children always go barefoot
Thùng rỗng kêu to: Empty barrels make the most noise
Bán anh em xa mua láng giềng gần: Better a neighbor near than a brother far off
Thà làm bé ông lớn còn hơn làm lớn ông bé: Better to be an old man's darling than a young man's slave
Nhất tiễn sát song điêu: To kill two birds with a stone
Kinh cung chi điểu: Once bitten, twice shy; A burned child dreads fire; A scalded cat fears hot water
Chơi dao có ngày đứt tay: If you play with fire you get burned
Trong xứ mù kẻ chột làm vua: In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Chớ xem mặt mà bắt hình dung (vong, dong): Don't judge a book by its cover
Chơi với chó, chó liếm mặt: Familiarity breeds contempt
Cẩn tắc vô ưu (vô áy náy): A pound of care will not pay a pound of debt
Của rẻ là của ôi: What costs little is little esteemed
Đừng chưa thăm ván đã bán thuyền: Do not count your chickens before they are hatched:
Đi hỏi già về nhà hỏi trẻ: Children and fools cannot lie; Children and fools tell the truth
Có nằm trong chăn mới biết có rận: The best cloth may have a moth in it
Chở củi về rừng: To carry coals to Newcastle
Gần mực thì đen gần đèn thì sáng: A man is known by the company he keeps
Cây to không sợ gió: A clear conscience fears no false accusation
Lắm thầy thối ma: Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Lời nói chẳng mất tiền mua, lựa lời mà nói cho vừa lòng nhau: Courtesy costs nothing.
Nuôi ong tay áo: He who brought up a crow to pick out his own eyes
Thuốc đắng giã tật: No pain no cure
Chết là hết nợ: Death pays all debts
Hể nhắc Tào Tháo là Tào Tháo đến: Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear
Ván đã đóng hòm: The die is cast
Thiên tài yểu mệnh: Whom the gods love die young
Bệnh quỷ thuốc tiên: Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies
Lợn lành chữa thành lợn què: The remedy may be worse than the disease
Đồng bệnh tương lân: Two in distress make sorrow less
Tay đã nhúng chàm: Things done cannot be undone
Nhập giang tùy khúc, nhập gia tùy tục: When in Rome do as Romans do
Thà làm đầu chuột còn hơn đuôi trâu: Better the head of a dog than a tail of a lion
Gần mực thì đen: If you lie down with dogs you'll get up with fleas
Đừng quấy hủ mắm: Let sleeping dogs lie
Tre già khó uốn: You cannot teach an old dog new tricks
Tai vách mạch rừng: Walls have ears
Ngôn dị hành nan: Easier said than done
Tham thực cực thân: He that eats till he is sick must fast till he is well
Hấp tấp hay vấp phải dây: Hasty climbers have suđen falls
Cha nào con nấy: Con nhà tông không giống lông cũng giống cánh
Hổ phụ sinh hổ tử: Like father, like son
Đứng núi này trông núi nọ: The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence
Không có lửa làm sao có khói: There is no smoke without fire
Tránh vỏ dưa gặp vỏ dừa: To jump from the frying pan into the fire
Lúc khó khăn mới biết bạn hiền: A friend in need in a friend indeed; When good cheer is lacking, our friends will be packing
Bạn bè có qua phải có lại: Friendship should not be all on one side
Tứ đổ tường đưa chân vào rọ: Gambling, women and wine a bad road make
Ngậm bồ hòn làm ngọt: Grin and bear it
Lắm vai nhẹ gánh: Many hands make light work
Xanh vỏ đỏ lòng: Warm heart, cold hands
Tri nhàn tiện nhàn đãi nhàn hà thời nhàn: All happiness is in the mind
Bắt cá hai tay, tuột ngay cả cặp: If you run after two hares you will catch neither
Dục tốc bất đạt: Haste makes waste; More haste, less speed
Đáy biển mò kim: Look for a needle in a haystack
Nữ nhi tác quái, gà mái đá gà cồ: It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock
Khẩu phật tâm xà: A honey tongue, a heart of gall
Mật ngọt chết ruồi: Flies are easier caught with honey than with vinegar
Tay làm hàm nhai, tay quai miệng trễ: No bees, no honey; no work, no money
Càng nguy nan lắm, càng vinh quang nhiều: The more danger, the more honor
Mất bò mới lo làm chuồng: It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen; It is too late to spare when the bottom is bare
Đặt con trâu trước cái cày: To put the cart before the horse
Một cây làm chẳng nên non, ba cây chụm lại nên hòn núi cao: If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand
Mất của mới học được khôn: When house and land are gone and spent, the learning is most excellent
Lươn ngắn lại chê trạch dài: The hunchback does not see his own hump, but sees his companion's; The pot call the kettle black
Được voi đòi tiên: Give him an inch and he'll take a yard
Nồi nào vung nấy: Every Jack must have his Jill
Ác giả ác báo: Those who kill by the sword shall perish by the sword
Có công mài sắt có ngày nên kim: Step by step one climbs the ladder
Cẩn tắc vô ưu (Cẩn tắc vô áy náy ): Look before you leap

Listening Resources 2 (good links)

Audio from Speak, Read, Write - Free mp3s of idioms, stories, articles, and more.
English Listening lounge - Listen to authentic English
ESL Podcards - Free listening materials for teachers and students
ESL pronunciation website - Dictations, minimal pair listening discrimination...
Everyday English - Features audio, video and animated lessonettes for those tricky, idiomatic parts of the English language.
eViews - Listening exercises for advanced English students.
Global English Salon - All English, All The Time! Listen to English online. It's Free!
How to Hear English Everywhere - This page will show you why it is important to hear as much English as possible. And how to hear English everywhere in the world.
Learn English - Pronunciation Please - a new short story, poem or joke to listen to every month.
Linking in English Pronunciation - The rules for linking words when we say a phrase or sentence in English.
Listen to the Weather Report - Listen to a typical weather report. With quiz to check understanding.
Listen With Understanding - How to listen with complete understanding and not merely hear.
Listening English - has more than 500 excellent Listening articles.
Mutant Media - Global News sport weather and opinion articles. Alternative and mainstream angles. Visitor suggestions welcome, chat room.
Pronunciation Patterns - Download Pronunciation Patterns demo to help U improve your listening
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - English listening practice web site, suitable for any level of English learner.
RepeatAfterUs - A site that has recordings of famous poems, speeches, etc that people can listen or practice speaking English to!
Schackne Online Media - Comprehensive Media Site
Shaggy Dog Stories - Download 10 short, funny stories in mp3 format.
Song Lyrics and Worksheets - Lyrics and worksheet database to make songs fun for students.
Time4English - Over 1000 pages of listening and reading. You'll find news, movie reviews and stories all graded to suit different levels of English.
Tower of English Listening Page - Find lots of great web sites where you can practice your listening skills!
Weather Report & Quiz (with Audio Files) - Listen to the weather report and answer a quiz. Three levels of difficulty. - Listening Skills - Learn about English listening skills.

English Language Dictations - English dictations of all levels
Graded English Language Dictations - 63 free online dictations with fast, clear sound
Learn English with Teacher Joe - Dictation. The best way to improve your listening skills!

---Internet Audio:
Audio Email Lessons - An easy way to improve your listening skills.
BBC Learning English radio progs - A range of radio programmes to help you improve your English
English Language Listening Lab Online - Free Language Lab with over 200 free audio clips. Updated daily
EnglishLingQ - A series of podcasts for English learners
ESL and Archie Comics - ESL and Archie Comics - a fun place to practice!
Short Story Radio - Internet radio programme of English short stories

All English Radio Stations - English radio stations list for ESL students. Listen on the Internet.
BBC Online - The British Broadcasting Corporation's main website. This is a large site covering television and radio in Britain and internationally.
English Everywhere - Radio - Resources for teachers and students in teaching and learning English through radio.
English Language Radio - A catalogue of English language radio stations around the world
Paris Live Radio - English-language radio from Paris. City news. What's on. Hit music...
Radio + Text (captioned radio!) - A site with English radio provided with text
RadioFeeds UK - The Internet's most up-to-date list of UK radio stations simultaneously broadcasting on the web
Voice of America

---Movies and screenplays:
English Trailers - A great site for students to study English using movie trailers! - Hundreds of scripts and screenplays to read online.
The Films and Writing of John Pilger - The truth about globalization and the new rulers of the world.

John Mitchell - Poetry in Music - Site of composer John Mitchell, with songs based on the works of well-known English and American poets.
LionCave stations - The source for Arabic songs, international songs, live Arabic TV and radio, newspapers, Arabic links, Games, fun, entertainment, information, country, Christian and Islamic sites.
RPM Records - Well established Online Record, CD and Memorabilia shop. Site features a fully searchable database and secure online ordering.
The EFL Music Web Site/Ronan Keating - Practise your listening and reading, improve your grammar and broaden your vocabulary with your favourite bands and singers!

English Language Learning Online - Learn English Language online. Video and audio on the net. Study today. - Video tapes and audio cassettes for ESL learners.
Loose Change - The central premise of Loose Change is that the United States Government was, at the very least, criminally negligent in allowing the attacks of September 11th, 2001 to occur.
ORION VIDEOCOMUNICAZIONI - services audio/video for congresses and events.
Real English OnLine - The widely acclaimed Real English Interactive Video series is now online and is free. Watch, listen to, and learn with hundreds of native speakers from throughout the USA.

---Television: - English version of this Arab-language network.
All English TV Channels - Watching English TV stations can be a good way to improve your English.
BBC TV - The British Broadcasting Corporation's main website. This is a large site covering television (and radio) in Britain and internationally.
CBC Television - Canadian television channel.
CNN - An American channel offering news reports from around the world.
CNN Transcripts - You can read what is broadcast on CNN TV.
English Everywhere - Television - Resources for teachers and students in teaching and learning English using the television.

Eng - Viet Idioms

A stranger nearby is better than a far-away relative - Bà con xa không bằng láng giềng gần
Time and tide wait for no man - Thời gian và nước thủy triều không đợi ai cả.
Silence is golden - Im lặng là vàng
Don't judge a book by its cover - Đừng trông mặt mà bắt hình dong
The tongue has no bone but it breaks bone - Cái lưỡi không xương đôi đường lắt léo
You will reap what you will sow - Gieo nhân nào gặt quả nấy
A wolf won't eat wolf - Chó sói còn không bao giờ ăn thịt đồng loại
Don't postpone until tomorrow what you can do today - Đừng để những việc cho ngày mai mà bạn có thể làm hôm nay
A little better than none - Có còn hơn không
Diamond cuts diamond - Vỏ quýt dày có móng tay nhọn
It is the first step that is troublesome - Vạn sự khởi đầu nan
Slow and steady win the race - Chậm mà chắc
He who laughs today may weep tomorrow - Cười người xin chớ cười lâu Cười người hôm trước hôm sau người cười
Honour charges manners - Giàu đổi bạn, sang đổi vợ
Curses home to roost - Gieo gió, gặt bão
The cobbler should stick to his last - Biết thì thưa thốt, không biết thì dựa cột mà nghe
The early bird catches the worm - Trâu chậm uống nước đục
Do not cast your pearls before swine - Đàn khảy tai trâu
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth - Được voi đòi tiên
Little strokes fell great oaks - Nước chảy đá mòn
There's no accounting for taste Chín người mười ý
The bad workman always blames his tools - Vụng múa chê đất lệch
Beauty is only skin deep - Tốt gỗ hơn tốt nước sơn
Don't lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen - Mất bò mới lo làm chuồng
Out of sight, out of mind - Cách mặt, Xa lòng
Every sin brings its punishment - Nhân nào quả đấy (gieo nhân nào gặt quả nấy)
He laughs best, who laughts last - Cười người hôm trước, hôm sau người cười.
Courtesy costs nothing - Lời nói chẳng mất tiền mua, lựa lời mà nói cho vừa lòng nhau.
A friend in need is a friend indeed - Hoạn nạn mới biết bạn hiền
An oz of luck is better than a pound of wisdom - Mèo mù gặp cá rán
I would rather die on my feet than live on my knee - Chết vinh còn hơn sống nhục
A bad beginning makes a bad ending - Đầu xuôi đuôi lọt
A bad compromiseis better a good lawsuit - Dĩ hòa di quý. Một câu nhịn chín câu lành
A bad workman quarrels with his tools - Vụng múa chê đất lệch. Vụng hát chê đình tranh.
A bargain is a bargain - Ăn cho buôn so.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush - Thà rằng được sẻ trên tay, còn hơn được hứa trên mây hạc vàng. Đa hư bất như thiểu thực.
A bird may be known by its song - Xem việc biết người. Xem trong bếp biết nết đàn bà.
A broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound - Nước đổ khó bốc, gương vỡ khó lành.
A burden of one's own choice is nit felt - Tư tưởng không thông vác bình đông cũng nặng.
A burnt child dreads the fire - Trượt vỏ dưa thấy vỏ dừa cũng sợ. Chim bị đạn sợ làn cây cong.
A cat in gloves catches no mice - Có làm mới có ăn
A civil denial is better than a rede grant - Mất lòng trước được lòng sau
A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast - Giấy rách phải giữ lấy lề. Đói cho sạch , rách cho thơm.
A clean hand wants no washing - Thiệt vàng không sợ lửa. Vàng tốt không nệ bán rao.
A clear conscience laughts at false accusations - Cây ngay không sợ chết đứng.
A close mouth catches no flies - Đa ngôn đa quán. Thần khầu hại xác phàm. Khầu thiệt đại can qua.( lời nói gây ra chiến tranh )
A cock is valiant on his own dunghill - Chó cậy gần nhà. Gà cậy gần vườn (chuồng).
A constant guest is never wellcome - Đừng làm khách quá lâu.

Everlasting proverbs

- Imagination is more important than knowledge ( Albert Einstein )
- The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining ( John F. Kennedy )
- Management is nothing more than motivating other people ( Lee Iacocca )
- Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises ( Demosthenes )
- The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it ( Pearl Buck )
- Pay peanuts and you get monkeys ( Anonymous )
- Laughing is the sensation of feeling good all over and showing it principally in one spot ( Josh Billings )
- The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit ( Moliere )
- Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer ( Sicilian proverb )
- No one can be right all of the time, but it helps to be right most of the time ( Robert Half )

- It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations ( Winston Churchill )
- Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature ( Harold Coffin )
- A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it ( George Moore )
- To a friend's house the road is never long ( Anonymous )
- The best mirror is a friend's eye ( Gaelic proverb )
- From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life ( Arthur Ashe )
- When you look like your passport photo, it's time to go home ( Erma Bombeck )
-If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere ( Frank A. Clark )
- Only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet ( African proverb )
- Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm ( Ralph Waldo Emerson )

- If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it ( Jonathan Winters )
- If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade ( Tom Peters )
- What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? ( Vincent Van Gogh )
- He who never made a mistake never made a discovery ( Samuel Smiles )
- Truly nothing is to be expected but the unexpected ( Alice James )
- A book is a success when people who haven't read it pretend they have ( Los Angeles Times Syndicate )
- Anything you're good at contributes to happiness ( Bertrand Russell )
- The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible ( Arthur C. Clarke )
- Art is the signature of civilizations ( Beverly Sills )
- An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day ( Henry David Thoreau )

- Nothing great was ever done without much enduring ( St. Catherine of Siena )
- Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him and to let him know that you trust him ( Booker T. Washington )
- Those who trust us, educate us ( George Eliot )
- Many things are lost for want of asking ( English proverb )
- Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose ( Zora Neale Hurston )
- If you are not failing now and again, it's a sign you're playing it safe ( Woody Allen )
- The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more ( Jonas Salk, MD )
- Where words fail, music speaks ( Hans Christian Andersen )
- No great artist ever see things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist ( Oscar Wilde )
- Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity ( Oprah Winfrey )

- Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower ( Albert Camus )
- Freedom is the oxygen of the soul ( Moshe Dayan )
- Only a fool thinks price and value are the same ( Antonio Machado )
- You can not shake hands with a clenched fist ( Indira Gandhi )
- No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap ( Carrie Snow )
- Speech is silver, silence is golden ( German Proverb )
- I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it ( Frank A. Clark )
- Seven days without laughter makes one weak ( Joel Goodman )
- A thing of beauty is a joy forever ( John Keats )
- Time is the greatest innovator ( Francis Bacon )
- A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits ( President R.M. Nixon )
- The Internet is an audience of one, a million times over ( Peter Guber )
- Ignorance is not bliss - it is oblivion ( Philip Wylie )
- The naked truth is always better than the best- dressed lie ( Ann Landers ).


Financial terms: Thuật ngữ tài chính

1. revenue: doanh thu
2. interest: tiền lãi. (Sum at 5% interest)
3. withdraw: rút tiền ra. (To withdraw a sum of money: khi ra ngân hàng rút tiền thường nói câu này)
4. offset: sự bù đắp thiệt hại. (He put up his prices to offset the increased cost of materials: Khi nguyên liệu tăng giá thì nhớ làm theo cách này)
5. treasurer: thủ quỹ. (The treasurer misappropriated the company's funds: Trong vụ xử bọn tham ô thì các quan toà sẽ phải nói như vậy)
6. turnover: doanh số, doanh thu. (The estimated annual turnover of my company is 6 milion $)
7. inflation: sự lạm phát. (Government is chiefly concerned with controlling inflation)
8. Surplus: thặng dư. (Surplus wealth: chủ nghĩa tư bản sống được là nhờ cái này đây)
9. liability: khoản nợ, trách nhiệm phải trả.
10. depreciation: khấu hao.
- Financial policies : chính sách tài chính
- Home/ Foreign maket : thị trường trong nước/ ngoài nước
- Foreign currency : ngoại tệ
- Circulation and distribution of commodity : lưu thông phân phối hàng hoá
- price boom ; việc giá cả tăng vọt
- hoard/ hoarder ; tích trữ/ người tích trữ
- moderate price : giá cả phải chăng
- monetary activities : hoạt động tiền tệ
- speculation/ speculator : đầu cơ/ người đầu cơ
- dumping : bán phá giá
- economic blockade : bao vây kinh tế
- guarantee : bảo hành
- embargo : cấm vận
- account holder : chủ tài khoản
- conversion : chuyển đổi (tiền, chứng khoán)
- transfer : chuyển khoản
- agent : đại lý, đại diện
- customs barrier : hàng rào thuế quan
- invoice : hoá đơn
- mode of payment (payment mode): phuơng thức thanh toán
- financial year : tài khoá
- joint venture : công ty liên doanh
- instalment : phần trả góp mỗi lần cho tổng số tiền
- mortage : cầm cố , thế nợ
- share : cổ phần
- shareholder : người góp cổ phần
- earnest money : tiền đặt cọc
- payment in arrear : trả tiền chậm
- confiscation : tịch thu
- preferential duties : thuế ưu đãi


- National economy : ktế quốc dân
- Economic cooperation : hợp tác ktế
- International economic aid : viện trợ ktế qtế
- Macro-economic : ktế vĩ mô
- Micro-economic : ktế vi mô
- Planned economy : ktế kế hoạch
- Market economy : ktế thị trường
- Unregulated and competitive market : thị trường cạnh tranh không bị điều tiết
- Regulation : sự điều tiết
- The openness of the economy : sự mở cử của nền ktế
- Rate of economic growth : tốc độ tăng trưởng ktế
- Average annual growth : tốc độ tăng trưởng bình quân hàng năm
- Capital accumulation : sự tích luỹ tư bản
- Indicator of economic welfare : chỉ tiêu phúc lợi ktế
- Distribution of income : phân phối thu nhập
- Real national income : thu nhập qdân thực tế
- Per capita income : thu nhập bình quân đầu người. (capita (adv.): trên mỗi đầu người)
- Gross National Product ( GNP) : Tổng sản phẩm quốc dân.
- Gross Dosmetic Product (GDP) : tổng sản phẩm quốc nội.
- Supply and demand : cung và cầu
- Potential demand : nhu cầu tiềm tàng
- Effective demand : nhu cầu thực tế
- Purchasing power : sức mua
- Active/ brisk demand : lượng cầu nhiều
- Managerial skill : kỹ năng quản lý
- Effective longer-run solution : giải pháp lâu dài hữu hiệu
- Undertaking : công việc kinh doanh
- National firms : các công ty quốc gia
- Transnational corporations : Các công ty siêu quốc gia
- Holding company : cty mẹ
- Affiliated/ Subsidiary company : cty con
- Co-operative : hợp tác xã
- Sole agent : đại lý độc quyền
- Fixed capital : vốn cố định
- Floating/ Working/ Circulating/ liquid capital: vốn luân chuyển
- Amortization/ Depreciation : khấu hao.